Organization: RedR Australia
Registration deadline: 29 Jan 2016
Starting date: 10 Feb 2016
Ending date: 15 Feb 2016
For anyone currently working in or entering the humanitarian sector, RedR Australia's Essentials of Humanitarian Practice course provides important foundation training. Introducing the characteristics of natural disasters and conflict-induced emergencies and the requirements for an effective humanitarian response, this course provides participants with an understanding of the complexity of the international relief system and legal framework for humanitarian assistance. Highlighting some of the dilemmas faced by humanitarian workers, EHP gives attendees an opportunity to practise the team skills required to work effectively in the field.
This hands-on course features a number of group exercises and discussions, including a major team exercise simulating planning for a refugee influx. While the programme is intensive, opportunities for informal discussion are built into it. Essentials of Humanitarian Practice is internationally recognised and attended by particpants from major relief organisations.
Aims and objectives
This course aims to prepare relief workers for the realities of life on assignment so that they are able to contribute as effectively as possible. It provides an understanding of the international context of emergency relief work, explaining the distinctions between natural disasters and conflict-induced emergencies, as well as an introduction to the international humanitarian system.
By the end of the course participants should be able to:
- understand the humanitarian relief system and different organisations' roles and relationships
- understand the characteristics of natural disasters and complex emergencies
- comprehend key issues in the cultural, political and organisational environment of relief assistance
- appreciate the legal and emotional issues impinging on those affected by disasters
- assess their personal skills and identify areas for development
- recognise the teamwork skills required in relief work and practice some essentials of effective teamwork
- apply techniques and approaches that increase individual responsibility in humanitarian work
- be familiar with basic radio protocol and use
- develop networks that will help you in your humanitarian career
Who is this course for?
RedR Australia's Essentials of Humanitarian Practice course is designed for people from all professional backgrounds and disciplines. The course is open to all RedR Australia Register members and applicants, staff from humanitarian aid organisations, individuals currently working or with experience in relief work and those actively seeking work in the sector. The course provides a unique opportunity to enhance participants’ skills, gain fresh insights and share practical experience with others.
Course outline
- International Humanitarian Charter
- working in a team in a relief operation
- minimum standards and indicators
- understanding gender and cross-cultural issues
- role and mandate of UN and other humanitarian agencies in disasters
- personal health, behaviour and safety
- individual security issues
- introduction to radio communications
- dealing with the media
- professional and personal development
- planning for relief work
Selection criteria
As places are limited, priority is also given to those applicants who:
- are RedR Australia Register members or applicants
- currently work for an operational NGO
- intend to be deployed within six months of completing the course
The course is in English and a reasonable proficiency is required by participants.
2015 Fees
Register/Approved applicants$1,490
This is a residential course held at a training facility in Dookie, 2.5 hours drive north of Melbourne. Public transport is available from Melbourne to the training facility.
How to register:
Click here for information on how to register online or contact Maria Beltran for more information: +61 3 83412666 or